i have questions

Me: Hey mom! We got your package...

Mom: Oh good! Did you see the Halloween plates? Were they too spooky?

Me: No, no, they were perfect. The kids love them. And thank you so much for the cards.

Mom: Of course, honey.

Me: And the books...

Mom: That Daniel Tiger Halloween book was your sister's idea.

Me: Chicken already loves it, of course. But... do you know the one he really can't put down?

Mom: Which one?

Me: No More Ee-Ooohr?

Mom: Which one is that?

Me: It's the... uh... the one about the donkey?

Mom: Oh isn't that funny? Your Aunt found that at the Goodwill! I thought the illustrations were so great.

Me: Yeah, no, the pictures are cool.


Me: Um... did you read it?

Mom: No, why?

just try to read that line
to your child

making children's books