

Who are you?

Katie Anthony.

<--- That's me.

Hi. I live outside Seattle with my kids, Chicken (8) and Buster (6) (not their real names) (because #theinternet).

What is this blog?

KatyKatiKate is about feminism, family, and other f-words.

But don’t get it twisted: this isn’t a bless-your-heart mommy blog, and it isn’t a burn-this-motherfucker-to-the-ground screed mill. KatyKatiKate is about parents who are still people too: exhilarated, furious, hanging-on people who laugh inappropriately and lose their shit, and find themselves saying "Sure, fine. Go play in the bees if that's what you want." KatyKatiKate is a blog about feminism and social justice. But I don't punch down, and I don't hang with reactive fear mongering or unexamined rage. KatyKatiKate is an unflinching, sharp-edged, foul-mouthed, rough-hewn and gamey collection of love letters, battle cries, and gallows humor.

What is a Feminist Werewolf?

A Feminist Werewolf is the feminist who lives inside you. She's fierce and merciless and she takes no shit, and she emerges way more often than the full moon. She eats the men who try to explain her to you. Feminist Werewolf is also a collection of essays on topics ranging from catcalling to rape culture to date night. 100% of the sales of Feminist Werewolf go to organizations that combat sexual violence: RAINN, Sisters of Color Ending Sexual Assault, SAFESTAR, and Girls for Gender Equity.

Where else can I read your writing?

  • NBC News THINK

  • CNN

  • BUST

  • Scary Mommy

  • The Good Men Project

  • Upworthy

  • The Big Smoke

  • BLUNT Moms

Do you ever do interviews, panels, or other appearances?

Sure! Reach out, babycakes.