let's watch a movie
Me: Guys? I'm tired. Let's do something easy. Let's watch a movie while daddy picks up dinner.
Chicken: YAAAAAAAY!!!
Chicken: Let's get the movie basket!!!
Buster: ELMO!!!
Chicken: No, Buster, you don't want that one. It one has Mr. Noodle.
Buster: (looks up at me with terror in his eyes, whispers) No... no Mr. Noodle...
Me: How about this Road Construction one! It has trucks!
Chicken: Nah.
Buster: Elmo!
Me: The Lion King?
Chicken: Nah.
Me: Good call.
Me: Good call.
Buster: (opens Elmo dvd case)
Me: Baby? Remember, that one has Mr. Noodle.
Buster: (drops DVD case, dives under a blanket)
Buster: (drops DVD case, dives under a blanket)
Chicken: Mm.
Me: Garbage Monsters?
Chicken: Nghth.
Me: Is that a no?
Him: Pthlblb.
Me: Despicable Me 2?
Chicken: Nghth.
Me: Is that a no?
Him: Pthlblb.
Me: Despicable Me 2?
Buster: Yeah!
Chicken: Not enough animals.
Me: Finding Nemo?
Chicken: Too scary.
Buster: Elmo!
Me: Cars 2?
Chicken: Too sad.
Me: (cracks a 40, sparks a blunt)
Chicken: Oh! Hey! let's watch Up.
Me: Wait. So Cars 2 was too sad.
Chicken: Yeah.
Me: but Up is not too sad.
Chicken: Yeah! Up!
Buster: Up! Up! Up!
Buster: Up! Up! Up!
Me: Chicken, Cars 2 is about a redneck tow truck with a catchphrase that blunders through Europe as an accidental spy. Up is about loneliness, mortality, and dreams that will never come true. Up the saddest movie ever made.
Buster: Doooooooown...
Me: Chicken, do you remember Up at all?
Chicken: Yeah I do!
Me: Tell me. What's Up about.
Chicken: (looks at case) Um... It's about... A guy who wears glasses... And a funny kid...
Me: Kinda, but nope.
Chicken: ... and dogs and birds and balloons...
Me: Kinda, but nope.
Chicken: ... and dogs and birds and balloons...
Me: Nope.
Chicken: It's about squirrels.
Buster: Squirrels!
Me: Nope. Mom veto. Sorry kiddo.
Chicken: Ok. Then I pick Elmo.
Buster: Elmo!
Me: Wait but this one has Mr. Noodle. Is that ok, Buster?
Buster: Yeah yeah yeah yeah!