Fill in the blank
These are all things I've said to Chicken over the last week. Your task? Fill in the blank with the actual thing I said.
1. No, baby, _____ doesn't go up Buster's butt. Put it in your mouth please.
A) string cheese
B) your toothbrush
C) your binky
2. _____ is NOT for smearing food on.
A) Mommy's hair
B) the MacBook
C) the refrigerator door
3. Bravo, Chicken. Excellent choice of _____. NO! DO NOT THROW IT.
A) knife
B) rock
C) pudding
4. The first step is to _____ is to make sure you have enough room. You want to make sure you can really stretch out.
A) swinging a bat
B) somersaulting
C) pooping
5. I guess you can taste my _____... if you really want to.
A) coffe
B) wine
C) skin