dance like nobody's watching
Drive like you have to poop
Swim like someone just pooped
Shower like you're in prison
Drink like you're stuck in a conversation
between all people who know each other from like a long time ago
all talking about people you don't know
so you have nothing to do with your mouth or hands
except smile vacantly
and fucking skull that manhattan
and then order another one, stat
Run like it's a really bad hallucination
Type like the hero of a 90's hacker thriller
Love like you're stoned
and you just found out your friend also loved JTT in middle school
Laugh like your kid just whacked your husband
in the nuts with a wiffle ball bat
in the nuts with a wiffle ball bat
Eat like a toddler
on a good day
when that toddler is hungry
and you've managed to cook the exact thing that toddler wants
so he consumes the meal with his entire body
dancing in the chair
rubbing it in his hair
making all kinds of delicious yum yum sounds
and demanding more
through cheeks stuffed round with macaroni
(because it's always macaroni)