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harvey fucking weinstein, hold the fucking

I'm publishing a pdf of the cleaned-up version of the Next-Level Rage Stroke, and I want to explain why I'm doing it.

I am not temping down my rage to make people more comfortable.

I am not being tone policed.

I am not trying to be a goddamned lady here.

I want to say yes to teachers and parents who have asked to be able to share this post more widely with younger adults. While I'm certain that most high-school students in the USA could absolutely destroy me in a profanity-off, I also understand the need for teachers to adhere to standards of professionalism in the workplace, and for parents to want to hold off on explaining some of the more vivid images (I'm thinking of "scaly rhino dong.")

Let's be real, if your kid came home with a school-assigned reading that had the phrases "pop off into any wet hole or leafy cavity," or "you bag of angry dicks," you'd probably request a quick word with Mr. Teacherman or Ms. Teacherlady about that particular choice.

So if you prefer the version that says "Pay a-fucking-ttention, CHAD," to the one that says "Welcome to the party, CHAD," I have to say, I agree with you. Although I changed "bag of angry dicks" to "bag of angry squirrels," and it cracks me up to imagine the noises a bag of angry squirrels would make, especially when I imagine those squirrels with angry dicks.

Seriously, I think this topic deserves all the loudest, sharpest, hardest words there are. But I don't want teachers or parents who are willing to have these conversations with young people to have to choose not to, because of profanity that I consent to opt out of in this instance. It's fine that there are 2 of these. There should be 2 million. Keep sharing the one you like.

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